Šifra proizvoda: JK5RX99
6,30 €
2,10 €/kg
Cijena sadrži PDV
Odrasli psi svih pasmina / Adult dogs of all breeds
Pročitaj višeNAMJENA / PURPOSE
odrasli psi svih pasmina / Adult dogs of all breeds
žitarice, meso i mesne prerađevine 30% (od čega 50% piletina, 50% govedina), krumpir, repina pulpa, životinjska mast, bučine sjemenke, jabuka, zeleni čaj, ružmarin, brusnica, sušena kamilica
Cereals, meat and meat products 30% (of which 50% chicken / 50 % beef), potatoes, beet pulp, animal fat, pumpkin seeds, apple, rosemary, green tea, dried chamomile, vitamins and minerals.
Sirove bjelančevine 24%, sirove masti 14%, vlaga 10% sirovi pepeo 8%, sirova vlaknina 2,7%, kalcij 1,5% ,fosfor 1,1%
Crude protein 24%, crude fat 14%, moisture 10%, crude ash 8%, crude fibers 2.7%, calcium 1.5%, phosphorus 1.1%
DODACI (po kg) / ADDITIVES (per kg)
Nutritivni dodatci /Nutritional additives
Vitamini / Vitamins- Vitamin A (3a672a) 11.000 IJ, Vitamin D3 (3a671) 650 IJ, Vitamin E (3a700) 50 mg, Vitamin C (3a300) 35 mg
Elementi u tragovima - Željezo (Željezo (II) sulfat monohidrat) (Fe 3b103) 26 mg, Zink (cinkov oksid) (3b603) 50 mg, Bakar (Bakar (II) sulfat pentahidrat) (3b405) 5,5 mg, Mangan (mangan oksid) (3b502) 26 mg, Jod (Kalcijebv jodat) (3b202) 0,4 mg, Selen (Natrijev selenit) (3b801) 0,05 mg
Trace element - Iron (Iron (II) sulfate monohydrate) (Fe 3b103) 26 mg, Zinc (zinc oxide) (3b603) 50 mg, Copper (Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate) (3b405) 5.5 mg, Manganese (manganese oxide) ( 3b502) 26 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate) (3b202) 0.4 mg, Selenium (Sodium selenite) (3b801) 0.05 mg
Sadrži konzervanse i antioksidans koje je odobrila EU.
Contains preservatives and antioxidants allowed in the EU.
Obrok možete poslužiti u suhom obliku ili po potrebi omekšati s malo mlake vode ili juhe. Hranu treba poslužiti u 1-2 jednaka obroka tijekom dana. Preporučena dnevna količina nalazi se u tablici hranjenja (tjelesna masa/grama hrane na dan). Količina hrane također ovisi o dobi, pasmini i aktivnosti psa. Pse u razvoju potrebno je hraniti češće (2-3 puta na dan). Čista i svježa voda neka uvijek bude dostupna. Čuvati na suhom i hladnom mjestu podalje od izravne sunčeve svjetlosti. Nakon otvaranja ponovno zatvorite.
Meal can be served in dry form or it may be soften with a little lukewarm water or soup if necessary. Food should be served in 1-2 equal portions throughout the day. The recommended daily ration is in the feeding guide table (body weight / grams of food per day). The amount of food also depends on the age, breed and activity of the dog. Young and developing dogs need to be fed more often (2-3 times a day). Have clean and fresh water available at all times. Store in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight. Reseal after opening.
3 – 10 kg / 60 – 140 g
10 – 20 kg / 140 – 230 g
20 – 40 kg / 230 – 400 g
40 – 60 kg / 400 – 550 g
60 + kg / 9 g / kg
Okus | Govedina |
Životna dob psa | Odrasli psi |
Veličina pasmine | Sve veličine pasmina |
Funkcionalno svojstvo hrane | Uravnotežena prehrana |